vrijdag 28 maart 2014

Harry Potter

We got one happy kid...

Colin scored maximum on his CITO (test for Middle School) and wants to go to College Hageveld in Heemstede, which is just a couple of miles further ahead.

Ever seen one of those Harry Potter movies? Remember the wizard school he is attending? Hogwart (Zweinstein)? Hageveld is generally compared to that school.

As it is a rather pretentious school, it is normal that there are more applications than there are places for the kids. This means that there usually is a raffle to get admitted.

This year there are just about as much applications as there are places, so he got accepted without the raffle!


So now we need to start practice runs (by bike) to get him used to getting to school; he needs to learn the route as he needs to be aware of the distance and the time to get there. And now I hear you: "Isn't there any public transport?" Yes, there is, but when the weather is OK, there is no need to take the bus... Did you get to ride the bus to school when you could walk or ride your bike??? I didn't and it didn't kill me!

vrijdag 14 maart 2014


The Dutch government is transferring the elderly care to the local governments; e.g. the local government needs to provide care for the elderly with a budget that the Dutch government has set...

With this budget, local governments are "buying" care with the care providers. But since the budgets do not suffice, the local governments need to make most of what they got.

The solution they came up with... AUCTION!!!
(read this piece in the Dutch newspaper)

The care provider that is the cheapest can get the contract... That is the way the Dutch done it all along: The VOC mentality... (VOC is the Company that sailed around the world in the golden age to get herbs from India and slaves from Africa)

Welcome to the 21st century care system. 

Word to the wise: If you tend to get old, please stay healthy...